AS-HR Consulting

Equal Pay


The new law on Equal Pay (Leg) is now asking any organisation with more than 100 employees to analyse and check if it respects the principles of equal salary between men and women.

Based on our expertise in this domain, and our role as an external expert on Equal Pay for the Federal Office for Gender Equality (FOGE), we can help you with all the different steps in this process, and make sure you maintain good gender practices thereafter:


Understand the content and the consequences of the federal law, as well as the one of the State of Vaud


Clarify the data that have to be available for the analysis and coding of the data so that it is compliant with the methodology of the Federal Office for Gender Equality.


Analyse the data based on a scientific methodology in accordance with the law. Go beyond the Logib methodology and introduce other relevant variables in the linear regression analysis.


Understand the results of the analysis and the potential gaps. For each of your employee assess the distance between the current salary, and a gender neutral salary.


Put in place the necessary corrections, in case where the results would be negative.


Report on the analysis and certification by a certified reviewer (“réviseur agrée”) with our partner Fidag).

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